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Lindsay Morse Bennett
University of California

Career Highlights
- Won the National Public Parks championship in Los Angeles — 1969
Ranked #8 nationally in singles for girls 18 and under — 1973
Won Southern California inter-collegiate title in singles and doubles while helping University of California, Irvine to the team title — 1974
Represented the US in the BP Cup, a collegiate competition between England and the USA, in Torquay, England — 1974
Junior Wightman Cup team member and Player of the Year at Forest Hills — 1974
Runner-up in singles and doubles in the Women’s National Collegiate Championships in Kalamazoo, Michigan — 1974
•Won the US Amateur Clay Court Doubles Championship in Memphis, runner-up in Singles — 1974
UCI team placed 2nd in All Cal Women’s Tennis Tournament — 1975
Won Western Regionals in California — 1977
Won AIAW National Collegiate singles title, UCI team took 3rd place — 1977
First woman to be named UC Irvine’s Student Athlete of the Year — 1977
Member of US Women’s Tennis Team in the World University Games in Sofia, Bulgaria & took 4th place in women’s doubles with partner Jean Nachand — 1977
Collegiate All American — 1977 and 1978
Girls’ tennis coach at University High School in Irvine, CA — 1978
Played on Women’s professional tour — 1980–1981
World ranking of 39th in singles — 1980
Borden Classic Doubles Champion title in Nagoya, Japan with Jean Nachand — 1980
Inducted into UC Irvine Athletic Hall of Fame — 1983
Taught tennis at Flint Canyon Racquet Club —1982–1984
Ranked #1 in Women’s 45 and Under singles and doubles in the Pacific Northwest — 2000
Assistant coach for State championship teams in girls tennis at Lakeridge High School in Oswego — 2003, 2004

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